Saturday, March 12, 2011

Golden Words

  •  Tensions are hot created with circumstances but due to thinkings negative .
  • Beauty is in simpelcity.
  • Traffic not signals made to follow not to boeak them.
  • A healthy body is having sharp mind.
  • A person must have good manners for good life.
  • A single lie requires hundred of lie .
  • Computer is the necessary need of life .
  • Practial life is requiring self confidence.
  • When you borrow something ,from someone , you have to be respunsaible for that all.
  • Eyes of a person say everything.
  • Without experience, do not trust at someone.
  • To discuss someone politically is the lowest level of brain /thinking.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Golden Words

  • Do hardwork constantly as water because where water falls constantly make a whole .
  • Avoid the company of bad friends .
  • Do not cry over spilt milk .
  • Doing untrusted work is as you as jumped into deaf well .
  • Habits work on the deeds of a person .
  • A man is known  by his good company.
  • Courage and toleartion are the best weapons of life.
  • Life is a along journey which is a compustion of ups and downs .
  • Struggle is the backbone   of all trugets.
  • In the modern age hardwork is nothing without smart work .
  • There is  always a fruit for whom ,who is endured with patience .
  • Love is beauty.
  • Scientists are the heros of a nation .
  • Food is important to fulfil his daily activities .
  • Exercise is important for healthy life.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Golden Words

  • World is the place which is full of all the right and bad deeds .
  • Virtue is that candle which enlighten the home of both friend and enemy .
  • Donot me hurried in taking revenge from any one, but do not be late in doing virtue .
  • Writing is a quite voice of hand.
  • It is not a quality that to get best thing, but to use it in best way.
  • Who never stops thinking, he never begin work.
  • Do such avirue, by which more and morepeople get benefit.
  • Doing badness to get revenge is not correct, to help the effector is better.
  • Brave man is that who control his angerness.
  • Keep your eye on sky but do not for get that feet are always keep on land .
  • Do not think much that time passed away and you are keep on thinking .
  • Who do not is mercifue on the child,he is not eligible for mercy . 
  • The best blessing of God is a good friend .
  • Simplicity is the symbol of blief .
  • Those people in the world are respected who does respect their teachers.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Golden Words

  • A good friend is the blessing of Allah.
  • Simplicity is the symbol of blieve.
  • The person who respect teacher is respectable in the world.
  • It is a virtue to not be bad.
  • This world is like a bank ,you would recieve the thing you have kept here .
  • The perfect man looks qualities  in others .
  • Some time it is more painful to continue a repartion rather then destory that.
  • Do not be shame to give a little rather than nothing to a miserable man.
  • The knowledge  able man is that who acts upon it.
  • Love and parience can,t be to gether .
  • A foolish man give decision before perception .
  • Give as much as you can to the needy is better than ignoring him.
  • Make your personality of such a type then if you die, every one remember you and if survive, then every one wish to meet you.
  • The best is that who does what on which he is having comand.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Golden Words

  • To remember your death is to cure the illness of your heart .
  • King or the beggar , happy is he who has the comfort of mind .
  • Successful is he who is contented at what life offers to him instead of lamenting on what it takes away.
  •  God helps those who help themselves.
  • Time and tide wait for none.
  • Our Islamic code of conduct also teaches us to have a good and organized life which leads us to the successful  life.
  • Do not sit like idols.
  • Knowledge is power.
  • Seek knowledge from cradle to grave.
  • You must get knowledge if you have to go to china.
  • Telling a lie not succeeded .
  • Forgiving enemies are to easy but forgiving a friends is to difficult .  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Golden Words

  • A word of encouragement can reveal the hidden capabilities of someone .
  • The real wealth lies not in man,s pocket rather in his mind and heart.
  • Those who stand on the high places are not afraid of any storms.
  • If  you don,t have a trust worthy friend then be friend of yourself .
  •  A fruitful tree is always bending towards earth with its weight/,down to earth ,.
  • If you want to be happy make others happy .
  • Character is such a beauty  that has no decay.
  • Make the language soft as petals and the words sweet like dew drops !
  • People become deaf when they ,re advised but not when they ,re flattered.
  • The world can not defeat you until you,re defeated by yourself .
  • We are travel less in this world and we all have to travel alone.    

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Golden Words

  • Be hopeful from God , not from any one !
  • Talk with people according to their sense .
  • Success is of those, who has believe in it .
  •  Beauty ends , but good character remains till death .
  • Those who have the ability to tolerate the hardships of the way, they attain the status of diamond .
  • Asking twice , is better than going for a wrong path .
  • Whatever is in your luck , be thankful on it and whatever is not in your luck, do not search for it .
  •  Good friend is that who stops from bad deeds .
  • Hide the good deed you have done with someone, but expose that which is done on you.
  • Do not depend on others help , help yourself .
  • Life is for few days , and good is forever.
  • The ink of scholar is sacred than blood of martyr  .
  • Do enjoy , and let others to enjoy  .
  • Good advice is worth than diamond. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Golden Words

  • Diamond cuts diamond . 
  • A friend in need is a friend in need.
  • Greed is curse.
  • Necessity is the mother of invention.
  • Experience matters more than degrees.
  •  Old is always gold .
  • Unity is strenght .
  •  Healthy mind needs  a healthy body .
  • An ideal student is also spiritually healthy and strong.
  • Life is a blend  of  different shapes ,  shades  and contours.
  • Rain brings rest , relief and rainbow .
  • In life -tears and laughter go side by side.
  • Everything except God is mortal.
  • Give me a good mothers , and  i will give you  a good nation.
  • Where youth grows pale , specter - thin and dies.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Golden Words

  • Water is the medium of life.
  • Life is not bed of roses , so do not be on you knees, be on your feet.
  • Ugly face is better than ugly heart.
  • Loneliness is better than bad  company.
  • Less talk is intelligence.
  • Inferior profession is better than begging.
  • Best actions deeds are  the mirror of nobility.
  • Religion is wasted due to providences.
  •  Knowledge is that cloud from where blessings are obtained.
  • Lies is mother of all sins .
  • Illiteracy is the root of all catastrophes .
  • Do not think bad for other,s it will lead to you sadness.
  • Jealousy is half death .
  •   Hard work is the key to success.      

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Golden Words

  • Tears of repentation are better than the laugh of pride. 
  • The man who keeps his wishes in control gets pleasure .
  • The man who had sought the wounds of spring always respects autmn.
  • If you want to get adopt the peace of heart then adopt the life of sufi  .
  • The person who told you your defects is your real friend.
  •    Don,t expect from a person to remember something forever. 
  • Happiness gives comfort while sadness gives a new deep thinking to man , in which man falls forever .
  •  Knowledge is useless without action and action is useless without knowledge.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Golden Words

  • Careful people make less mistakes .
  • Change youerself, luck will change by its own.
  • You can snatch everything from anyone but not his expressions .
  • Whoever tell  you your disqualities, he is your friend .
  • Do not hope for the best by human.
  • To control your sentiments, lead you to success.
  • Life is a long journey which requires our attitude for reaching to the destination.
  • Truth is as sour as aloe.
  • Slow poisoning is the habit of clever people.
  • Avoid flatterers to live happy. 
  • Impatience leads to destruction.
  • Books is the best friend .
  • To keep a lie, a man has to tell hundred lie.
  • A lie has no feat.
  • Time and tide wait for none.
  • Experience goes with age.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Golden Words

  • Smile open the door of soul.
  • Person closes his eyes in anger ,and open his mouth.
  • Those who lager for appreciation ,they are not capable.
  • Good question is half of the knowledge.
  • Success is for those who believe in it.
  • Good temper is cheeples .
  • It is not what you play , but how you play .
  • Belive in God to have  success.
  • Mother is that flower which gives fragrance to whole home .
  • See, what  is the mistake, not who is the doer of it.
  • Uglyface  is better than uglymind. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Golden Words

  • All the glitters is not gold.
  • Life is not bed of roses.
  • To seek knowledge,is the duty of every Muslim
  • Lo!The best of you in the sight of Allah is that who is the best of conduct.
  • First impression is the last impression.
  • Practice makes the man/person perfect.
  • Knowledge is that treasure which is unlimited.
  •  To earn more ,learn more.
  • Love cannot be purchased by money.
  • Every thing has two aspects in itself.
  • Money is something but not everything. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Golden Words

  • If you want change ,being change in yourself.
  • The birth of tension is the death of talent.
  • Talent can notbe judged by degrees but by expierence.
  • A good teacher is better than 100 books.
  • Those who love their work,never get tired.
  • The best of you in the sight of Allah is the best of conduct.
  • Prefection is the thing which cannot be attained by anyone because it merits only to Allah.
  • Knowledge is that wealth which cannot be steal by any thief.
  • The ink of scholar is better than the death of martyer.