Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Golden Words

  • Diamond cuts diamond . 
  • A friend in need is a friend in need.
  • Greed is curse.
  • Necessity is the mother of invention.
  • Experience matters more than degrees.
  •  Old is always gold .
  • Unity is strenght .
  •  Healthy mind needs  a healthy body .
  • An ideal student is also spiritually healthy and strong.
  • Life is a blend  of  different shapes ,  shades  and contours.
  • Rain brings rest , relief and rainbow .
  • In life -tears and laughter go side by side.
  • Everything except God is mortal.
  • Give me a good mothers , and  i will give you  a good nation.
  • Where youth grows pale , specter - thin and dies.

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