Thursday, February 17, 2011

Golden Words

  • Be hopeful from God , not from any one !
  • Talk with people according to their sense .
  • Success is of those, who has believe in it .
  •  Beauty ends , but good character remains till death .
  • Those who have the ability to tolerate the hardships of the way, they attain the status of diamond .
  • Asking twice , is better than going for a wrong path .
  • Whatever is in your luck , be thankful on it and whatever is not in your luck, do not search for it .
  •  Good friend is that who stops from bad deeds .
  • Hide the good deed you have done with someone, but expose that which is done on you.
  • Do not depend on others help , help yourself .
  • Life is for few days , and good is forever.
  • The ink of scholar is sacred than blood of martyr  .
  • Do enjoy , and let others to enjoy  .
  • Good advice is worth than diamond. 

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