Monday, February 14, 2011

Golden Words

  • Water is the medium of life.
  • Life is not bed of roses , so do not be on you knees, be on your feet.
  • Ugly face is better than ugly heart.
  • Loneliness is better than bad  company.
  • Less talk is intelligence.
  • Inferior profession is better than begging.
  • Best actions deeds are  the mirror of nobility.
  • Religion is wasted due to providences.
  •  Knowledge is that cloud from where blessings are obtained.
  • Lies is mother of all sins .
  • Illiteracy is the root of all catastrophes .
  • Do not think bad for other,s it will lead to you sadness.
  • Jealousy is half death .
  •   Hard work is the key to success.      

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