Thursday, March 3, 2011

Golden Words

  • A good friend is the blessing of Allah.
  • Simplicity is the symbol of blieve.
  • The person who respect teacher is respectable in the world.
  • It is a virtue to not be bad.
  • This world is like a bank ,you would recieve the thing you have kept here .
  • The perfect man looks qualities  in others .
  • Some time it is more painful to continue a repartion rather then destory that.
  • Do not be shame to give a little rather than nothing to a miserable man.
  • The knowledge  able man is that who acts upon it.
  • Love and parience can,t be to gether .
  • A foolish man give decision before perception .
  • Give as much as you can to the needy is better than ignoring him.
  • Make your personality of such a type then if you die, every one remember you and if survive, then every one wish to meet you.
  • The best is that who does what on which he is having comand.

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