Saturday, March 5, 2011

Golden Words

  • World is the place which is full of all the right and bad deeds .
  • Virtue is that candle which enlighten the home of both friend and enemy .
  • Donot me hurried in taking revenge from any one, but do not be late in doing virtue .
  • Writing is a quite voice of hand.
  • It is not a quality that to get best thing, but to use it in best way.
  • Who never stops thinking, he never begin work.
  • Do such avirue, by which more and morepeople get benefit.
  • Doing badness to get revenge is not correct, to help the effector is better.
  • Brave man is that who control his angerness.
  • Keep your eye on sky but do not for get that feet are always keep on land .
  • Do not think much that time passed away and you are keep on thinking .
  • Who do not is mercifue on the child,he is not eligible for mercy . 
  • The best blessing of God is a good friend .
  • Simplicity is the symbol of blief .
  • Those people in the world are respected who does respect their teachers.

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