Thursday, March 10, 2011

Golden Words

  • Do hardwork constantly as water because where water falls constantly make a whole .
  • Avoid the company of bad friends .
  • Do not cry over spilt milk .
  • Doing untrusted work is as you as jumped into deaf well .
  • Habits work on the deeds of a person .
  • A man is known  by his good company.
  • Courage and toleartion are the best weapons of life.
  • Life is a along journey which is a compustion of ups and downs .
  • Struggle is the backbone   of all trugets.
  • In the modern age hardwork is nothing without smart work .
  • There is  always a fruit for whom ,who is endured with patience .
  • Love is beauty.
  • Scientists are the heros of a nation .
  • Food is important to fulfil his daily activities .
  • Exercise is important for healthy life.

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